Top-Notch HVAC Best Practices for 2023

March 23, 2023

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As 2023 approaches, it’s time to start thinking about what it takes to operate a top-notch HVAC system. Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC is here to provide you with the best practices you need. Air conditioning and heating systems can be expensive and complex to maintain. 

That’s why it’s so important to follow the best practices when you have an HVAC system installed or serviced. By following these 10 tips, you can make sure your new air conditioner or furnace is well taken care of throughout its lifespan.

Have Your HVAC Unit Professionally Installed

The first thing that should be on your mind when hiring a professional HVAC installation team is whether they are qualified to handle the job. If you’re wondering: What is the best HVAC company near me? That’s Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC.

Our professionals adhere to strict safety regulations during the installation process, so you can rest assured that your home will be in good hands when working with them. 

Any reputable company will provide you with references from past clients who have had positive experiences working with them. If this isn’t possible, then it may not be worth risking your money on a new unit!

Make Sure Your Air Conditioner is Properly Sized

When it comes to air conditioning, it’s important to make sure that your system is properly sized for your home. This means knowing:

  • The total square footage of your home
  • How many rooms do you want to be cooled (or heated)
  • Whether those rooms have windows or doors that open and close

The more you know about the location where you’ll be installing the air conditioner, the better able you’ll be to ensure high efficiency and low energy costs. 

If an HVAC professional cannot provide all this information before installation, he or she may not be experienced enough for a complicated job like yours.

Maintain Proper Temperature Balance in Summer and Winter

With the introduction of many new, energy-efficient technologies to improve how we live and work in our homes, it’s more important than ever that you maintain a proper temperature balance between summer and winter. 

There are quality heating and air maintenance services you can book in your area that can help you with this, so you won’t have to think much about it. Let the pros handle it.

Switch to a Programmable Thermostat

One of the easiest ways to save money on heating and cooling is to program your thermostat.

A programmable thermostat allows you to set your home’s temperature at different times of day and night so that it doesn’t always run during high-demand hours. 

If you leave for work in the morning, but then return home at 6 p.m., it makes sense to raise the temperature when you’re gone so that it’s warm when you arrive back home. 

This way, while some people might not be around during high-demand times such as when school lets out or after work ends, they still benefit from lower electricity bills because their homes are being heated or cooled by the time they get home.

Use a Dehumidifier in Summer and a Humidifier in Winter

People who live in climates with high humidity are often tempted to use the air conditioner all the time. But this is not great for your HVAC system—the process of cooling the air actually increases humidity levels by removing moisture from it and pumping it outside. 

Fortunately, there’s an alternative: using a dehumidifier during summertime and a humidifier during wintertime will help keep your home’s indoor climate comfortable without straining your HVAC system too much. 

When you’re choosing between these two options, remember that you should always check with your local utility company before purchasing any equipment.

Check the Air Filter on a Regular Basis

Air filters should be checked regularly, at least once every two weeks. If you notice the unit running constantly or if it’s not cooling as well as it did before, it’s likely that your air filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. 

You can check this by pulling out the pleats of the filter and looking at them with a flashlight; if they’re covered in dust and debris, then that means your filter needs to be changed right away!

If you want professional HVAC services for this, you can always book a technician from your area.

Learn About Proper Ventilation in Your Home

Proper ventilation is an important part of keeping your home healthy and comfortable. Inadequate ventilation can lead to the buildup of dangerous gases, such as carbon dioxide, which can be harmful if not released properly. 

A simple way to check whether you have proper ventilation is by opening a window in each room for one minute at least once per hour for natural ventilation; you’ll know that you don’t have proper ventilation if this makes you feel nauseous or dizzy.

Clean Your HVAC Unit Outside Regularly

The more you clean your HVAC unit outside, the better it will perform. You should clean your HVAC system at least once per month. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or a damp rag.

While it’s best practice not to let leaves build up around an HVAC system if they do start accumulating over time, then brush them off gently with a soft brush or broom during routine maintenance checks throughout the year rather than wait until springtime.

Keep the Lint Trap Clean on Your Dryer

If you haven’t cleaned the lint trap on your dryer in a while, it’s time to do so now. Time for another spring cleaning!

Lint traps catch the fluff and dust that builds up in your heating and cooling systems, preventing those units from getting clogged up and causing fires. 

If the lint trap is dirty or full of debris, it can be just as dangerous as a clogged air duct in terms of safety concerns. Don’t forget that having a clean dryer makes clothes dry faster!


Whether you have an older model or a newer one, you can make sure to keep it in good condition. Just by following the above tips, you’ll be able to ensure that your HVAC unit will last for years.