Which Type Of AC Consumes Less Electricity?

August 17, 2022

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HVAC Air Conditioning Services | Eagle Rock Prestige HVACOne way to maintain the quality of the air in your home is by installing an air conditioner. But if your air conditioning isn’t cooling your home properly, it’s time to call Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC, which has been providing air conditioning services for many years. Our skilled, professional technicians will keep your central air conditioner system up and running in no time. They can assist if your AC stops blowing cold air or not working completely.

Everyone knows that it’s not always easy to determine why your air conditioner stops working. Whatever the problem, you can have our highly trained, friendly, licensed technicians to help solve your air conditioning issues.

Why do we need to maintain our AC, and how important is it? A good air conditioning system can supply air filtration and provide clean indoor air. Special filters terminate bacteria, mold, allergens, and air pollution from the air, making a healthier environment for those with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems. With the help of an air conditioner also, you can make your space cool and comfortable even during sultry summers.

Since most of us need air conditioning in our homes, the best AC that you need to buy is the one that consumes less electricity. Buying an energy-efficient air conditioner makes more sense if you’re also worried about high electricity bills, but finding the best low power consumption AC isn’t easy. In today’s market, there are numerous types and brands of air conditioners, and picking one out of this huge list of power-efficient AC is challenging.

These are some best air conditioners that have certified five-star ratings and are touted to consume less energy.HVAC Air Conditioning Service Contractor | Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC

  • 1.5 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split Air Conditioner from LG
  • 5 Star Air conditioner with inverter technology, 1.5 tons, from Whirlpool
  • Twin-Cool Inverter Split AC, 1.5 Ton, 5 Star Panasonic
  • 5 Star Inverter Split AC, 1.5 Ton, from Voltas
  • 1 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split AC from Godrej
  • 1.5 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split AC from Hitachi
  • 5 Star Inverter Split AC, 1.5 ton, from Samsung
  • 1.5 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split AC from Blue Star

Not only is the specification of the AC the main reason behind power consumption, but many external reasons cause your AC to consume more energy.

The good news is that there are simple ways not to have a high utility bill even if you use an air conditioner;

  • Correct installation – This is the simplest way to reduce your energy bills from air conditioners. The inaccurate installation will make your AC unit work harder, reducing it’s efficiency and durability while increasing your monthly electricity bill. Always contact a trained service technician to do the installation.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and insulate the room – Make sure your AC outdoor unit is not installed in a direction where it is exposed to direct sunlight for a very long period of time.
  • Non-stop usage – When nobody is in the room or when the room has cooled enough, turn off your AC unit. This will give a break to the unit and prepare it for running efficiently. Of course, it will also lower your energy bill.
  • Regular maintenance and service – Like any machine, your AC must also be maintained regularly. During service, all components are checked, and dust or dirt are cleared from coils. All tasks completed during servicing help reduce energy bills.
  • Setting too low a temperature on your thermostat – Setting the temperature between 20 to 25 oC will stop the air conditioning from working overtime and save you from high energy bills.
  • Choose the right energy-efficient star-rated AC – The star rating of an AC helps estimate an air-conditioner’s cooling efficiency.

Pros and Cons of Mini-Split System

It is necessary, especially in the summer, to install the greatest cooling system for your home. To install it properly, you need to turn toEagle Rock Prestige HVAC, which offers exceptional air conditioning services. Maintaining a pleasant temperature helps you unwind and keeps your family happy, but you also don’t want to end the month with a hefty electrical bill. When looking for a solution, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of ductless mini splits.

If you are in your new home or looking to replace your existing HVAC, you might want to consider a mini-split system.

Mini split systems are not ideal for every homeowner or commercial business, however. To understand more, let’s take a look at:

  • How mini-split systems perform
  • Pros and cons of mini split system

How Does a Mini-Split System Work?

To distribute heated air throughout your home, a conventional HVAC system uses ductwork. Most mini-split systems don’t use ductwork (some newer models utilize ductwork for their air delivery system, which is for specific scenarios).

A single interior unit and an outside unit, similar to a conventional HVAC system, are used to distribute the conditioned air. Therefore the term “split system.”

In the case of a heating and cooling mini split system, the outside unit is a heat pump that transmits thermal energy to heat or cool. The same refrigerant used to cool warmer outside air is also used to remove heat from the colder outside air and run it through copper tubes to the zoned rooms.

The Pros of Installing Mini Split Systems

Mini-splits could be the solution for energy efficiency, adaptability, and simplicity: HVAC Air Conditioning Service Company | Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC

  1. Easy installation: One of the most important advantages of mini splits is that installation is a snap. There’s no requirement to install large ducts around the house or cut tons of holes in floors/ceilings/walls for vents.
  2. Safety: The small size of the hole required for mini split installation helps keep your family secure. There’s no room for intruders or critters to get inside. On the other hand, large window units can create the home vulnerable to break-ins, and ducts give pests a place to hide.
  3. Energy efficiency: A mini-split system can save your electricity bill. Ducts are infamous for wasting energy, so ductless systems offer better cooling for less electricity. Also, all mini splits have a variable-speed compressor, so they don’t have to run at one hundred percent.
  4. Zone cooling/heating: Each indoor air-handling unit has its own thermostat with mini splits. In other terms, you can control the temperature of each room or area separately. This is called zone cooling.
  5. Flexibility: You can pick a ductless mini split system based on its size, output, and cost to suit your requirements and financial constraints. Our HVAC experts can assist you in designing the right plan for a multi-story home, a luxury condo, an apartment, a hostel, or even a retail establishment or a commercial warehouse.

The Cons of Installing Mini Split Systems

A mini-split system has several benefits, but there are also some cons to take into account:

  1. Cost: The total price of your mini split system depends on the layout you prefer. Of course, if your home doesn’t already have ductwork installed, the price of central air can easily double or more.
  2. Risk of improper installation: Mini splits are unsuitable for DIY solutions or “handyman” services. You must ask help from a certified expert to assist you with sizing, output, and layout plans. Otherwise, you can void the warranty, use too much electricity or not get enough cooling for your home. However, if you choose a pro, you’re good to go.
  3. Maintenance: Ductless units need proper maintenance for maximum energy efficiency and system performance. You must wash the filter for each unit once a month or more frequently if you have pets.
  4. Design: Some homeowners dislike the aesthetics of interior air-handlers.They think it clashes with the room’s other design features. The good news is that there are numerous design possibilities, so if you don’t like wall-mounted units, you may select a ceiling, narrow-vent, or floor unit.

You must ensure you have the budget for it and understand if you’re willing to invest when you want a mini-split system in your new home.

If you need help deciding which AC type to install, you may contact us and talk to our professionals. On that very day, we’ll immediately assign you the certified technician for the successful AC installation and other services!