Fall HVAC Maintenance: 10 Tips For September

September 23, 2022

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HVAC Maintenance Service | Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC

The fall season is upon us, so the weather has shifted from warm to cool. We must prepare our HVAC systems to keep up with the changing season by maintaining our HVAC units. Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC is a top company specializing in heating and air maintenance. You may avail of their professional heating services to ensure your unit will work properly throughout the year.

If you are interested in learning how to maintain your HVAC system for the fall season, read the ten tips for fall HVAC maintenance we have below. These HVAC maintenance tips are easy to follow, and you can also avail of our AC service and maintenance. Before anything else, let’s proceed with our tried and tested tips!

  • Replace air filters.

First, you should check if your air filters are in good condition. If there are small damages or wear and tears, then replace them immediately. This way, no outside elements, dust, and dirt can go through the filter and enter your HVAC system and home.

  • Set your thermostat to the energy-saving mode.

Since fall is a colder season, you may set your thermostat to an energy-saving mode. Your thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature inside your house and ensure you are warm and comfortable without using too much energy. You’ll save money on your utility bills while still staying warm.

  • Clean the air vents.

When your air vents are full of dust, they won’t be able to function properly, and they will use more energy than they’re supposed to, leading to damage. So, ensure you clean your air vents for your health and also for them to function the right way.

  • Properly seal the ductwork.

Ductwork is responsible for circulating heated air around your home. If you have faulty or leaky ductwork, heated air won’t circulate properly and can affect your walls and floors, depending on where the leak is. But, never use duct tape to seal your ductwork. Use sealants made for them to ensure there won’t be any leaks.

  • Prevent home fires from happening.

A dirty vent may catch fire because heated air passes through the vents. Sometimes, temperatures can get high that they can burn dust and other elements present near or in the vent. Therefore, clean your vents before the fall season starts and do preventive measures to ensure nothing comes in the vent that can cause a fire to start.

  • Remove blockages from the furnace vent.

Furnace vents allow excess hot air to escape and be properly vented outside. If there are blockages in your furnace vent, it will struggle to do its job. So, remove blockages from your furnace vent before using them in the fall season. You may hire a professional to do a thorough job.

  • Do not place anything near your vents.

Your furnace should have room to breathe. Placing unnecessary and hazardous items near your vent can cause bigger problems like fire. Avoid putting paint cans and other flammable items, and ensure there is a good ten to fifteen feet distance from your vent to your things.

  • Check smoke alarms and CO detectors.

Always ensure your smoke alarms and CO detectors are functioning properly. During colder months, we keep warm by lighting candles or using the fireplace beside our heating unit. But, they can emit carbon monoxide that is dangerous to inhale. Therefore, adding CO detectors and smoke alarms or checking yours if they are functioning ensures you are safe from fires and CO poisoning.

  • Avail of routine maintenance.

Routine maintenance will lessen damages and major repairs in the future. Availing of routine maintenance from Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC allows you to prepare for any weather changes earlier. This way, you won’t have to rush for a maintenance check or repairs before the change of season. 

  • Assess your HVAC system for a possible replacement.

If you have an HVAC system older than ten years and needs multiple repairs, consider replacing it with a new one. HVAC systems that are ten years old or older will most likely malfunction or struggle to meet your needs. Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC is a tried and tested company that installs new HVAC systems, so contact us for more information about our services.

Knowing these tips, you can prepare for the upcoming fall season. Ask for professional assistance if you have difficulty doing one or more HVAC maintenance tips.

Preparing your home for the changing season should be your top priority since fall is coming fast. If you are looking for quality HVAC maintenance, call Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC today.