Helpful Tips To Prepare For Your Air Conditioner This Fall

September 23, 2022

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HVAC Air Conditioning Service | Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC

The fall season can be near, and this would also be the right time to prepare your air conditioner for this season. With this, find reliable heating and air maintenance that can assist you with the cooling services needed for your air conditioner.

Eagle Rock Prestige HVAC provides you with a complete range of air conditioning services, including the AC service and maintenance. With the repair technicians that are expertly trained, licensed, and with years of experience handling different issues and needs of your air conditioner.

If you happen to encounter some issues with your Air conditioner, ensure to get it fixed immediately by a professional before the Fall comes.

Here are also some helpful tips that you can do to prepare your air conditioner this coming fall season.

  • Change the Filters: It can be easy to forget to change the filter regularly, but it is also one of the simplest ways to help improve the efficiency of your AC unit. Changing the air filter after the summer months is important since the season pushes the system to the limit with the high temperature, pollen, and other factors. With the fall season, swap the air filter to a new one.
  • Clean the Vents: Debris-like dust and pollens can be accumulated over time in the air vents, which causes a decrease in indoor air quality. After the summer, cleaning the air vents will help reduce the amount of debris. It will not only help to improve the quality of air but will reduce the unpleasant odors and lessen its effect on seasonal allergies.
  • Check the Air Ducts: If you notice any dust coming from the air vents in your home, it would be the best time to call for a professional air duct cleaning. The Fall season is the best time to ensure that air ducts are lean and ready for the cooler weather.
  • Inspect the Evaporator Drain: A clogged evaporator drain can be the beginning of a much bigger issue if this is overlooked. Algae and mold can clog the evaporator drain over time which can cause flooding in your home and costly repairs for the system. A wet and dry vacuum will unclog the evaporator drain, preventing the build-up that can affect the HVAC system.
  • Inspect the Evaporator Coil: The evaporator coil can also collect dust over time, affecting the AC’s efficiency. There are a few different commercially available no-rinse coil cleaners if you opt to clean them on your own. Alternatively, you can call a professional to assist you.
  • Clean the Debris From the Outdoor Unit: Keeping the outdoor unit can also help increase the air quality and prepare the HVAC system for the cooler season. It is important to ensure that nothing is blocking the airflow in and out of the unit. Make sure to remove any overgrown grass and debris.
  • Change the Thermostat Settings: When you change the clocks, change the temperature settings on your air conditioner’s thermostat too. With the cooler temperature, you should increase or decrease the temperature based on your comfort.
  • Clean And Seal the Air Ducts:  Many homes have leaky air ducts that cause your home not to get cool or hot enough. You may want to invest in ductwork sealing.
  • Remove Natural Debris Around the Condenser Unit: By the end of the summer, dirt, grime, weeds, and leaves can build up around the condenser unit. This can disrupt the clean airflow and hinder the system’s efficiency during the cold season.
  • Schedule A Maintenance Tune-Up: To keep the system working efficiently, you should schedule an AC maintenance tune-up with a reputable HVAC company at least once a year. During this maintenance checkup, an experienced technician will perform a full inspection and tune-up on the system. This way, the system will function as efficiently as possible, even after working overtime during summer.

Whenever you are looking for an HVAC service that can assist you anytime, contact Eagle Rock Prestice HVAC to schedule an appointment today.